lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

Hackers for business growth

traducido por Federico Dilla
Hackers to Catapult Growth Garcia EmpresasRuben April 1, 2015
Growth Hackers. A few years ago when I was working on an important group in Spain heard this definition for the first time and it caught my attention, the definition I liked and thought in that rather curious, innovative and fresh time.


 which are the growth hackers
que son los growth hackers
Possibly if you look at the wikipedia on a general concept have more general info, if you think I'm going to get into flour directly to not give many turns to what others have said there.

In this case I want to ask yourself this post as something deeper, ie, knowing firsthand some of the main Growth Hackers in the world, and having worked with them on occasion, personally sack some conclusions that I share.

1. Everyone is becoming smarter. It's one of the things that any of the Growth Hackers have in mind always, that is, people are constantly evolving and constantly training, in fact, one of the ways that companies found to grow or keep their users is to offer education as an added value on products or services they buy.

The competition, marketers, managers and other digital are constantly testing and measuring results, so the information handled within companies is increasingly strategic, but is very close to the market and the only thing that do is interpret.

2. Marketing channels increasingly saturated faster, and must constantly seek new channels for providing new experiences to potential users as well as new ideas for engagement, the end users are tired of seeing the same, and increasingly hitting first and successful gets a much higher impact to what you could get for years, but also achieved a growth experience is what forms the true market intelligence company.

3. The new digital companies that are created are large Growth Hackers, speaking in many cases to specific niches, many of those niches where are emerging over time become industries that have their piece of the pie but can mean millions of course million users and billing.


1. Leverage: Today for Growth Hackers go by what could be called a traditional company fast speed is the usual way of working, ie the fast lane is the normal way, and what are the main levers that make this occurs mainly as follows:

Engineering able to do what the user needs is absolutely critical, so all you have to do with the best developments to optimize from product to any detail of the tools must that will generate the user experience and all that involved, ie optimizing the last detail.
User Base: The growing user base and constantly moving is one of the points of intelligence Growth Hackers since the measurement of all that these customers want, seek or WISH (look at this), it is critical to be able understand.
API's: The rapid incorporation of tools or rapid incorporation into other tools is essential to make the work of the Growth Hackers is optimal, it is no longer about developing everything that happens to someone but attempts to incorporate what already exists and works and also has been put on the market adequately.
Networks: Everything works based on business networks, the objective is to work with critical masses on which can segment, understand, add value and provide an appropriate message.
2. Expandable Experiences: If there is anything the Growth Hackers have clear is that as systems and business onlie must be scalable, in the case of the experiences something similar happens and it is therefore essential to understand the experiences of user and the context in which these user experiences occur.

3. Obsessive Optimization: Optimization In every detail counts, it is essential to understand and test what are the key points that make this


what we know of the Growth Hackers

No, the reality is that no magic solutions, it is hard work, and with many sorrows that live in solitude in many cases, and to get a good result after being tested and testing methods and ways to increase significantly the number of users, conversions, etc, must be especially great persistence and focus always on the objective for growth (growth whatever, visits, sales, conversions, etc). Nothing is easy, it is always difficult, the growth hackers to get a great result and important successes they test constantly, and know that if they tested 10 times in 10 different ways, there is always one that will be better than the other 9.

Customers are fickle, if there is something you can never marry in digital environments are customers, but it needs the best of the company or business, always thinking that if something better than us or sold better, that customer will leave.

In constant search of "Must-Have": The must have (should have) is that the customer must have if or when and if it does you may feel that you are losing a great benefit, that is one of the objectives and constant testing of Growth Hackers, knowing that product "Must-Have" user. How discuss some of the biggest Growth Hackers Facebook, Facebook would have disappeared if now people would not know to do.

As with many digital companies, which are looking for that golden for a sector, niche or market segment can be a product, user experience, something that meets or exceeds expectations, and of course the constant optimization and improvement of this must-have.

This point is so vital that it is absolutely necessary to work in line to get well almost obsessive Product Must-Have, experience that generates the product, ie, experience Must Have.


The Must Have experience that generates this product is absolutely vital, since it is based on absolutely all streams to deliver that optimize customer experience. And of course that client must have a profile as a Customer "Must Have", which permits the depth profile of the client to bringing you the best experience with the best product and can convert a Hard User (User Fuerte) Product you're selling.

In order to clearly establish Must Have experience and understand broadly the context in which that experience develops, we need above all is to know very well what is the main benefit that the customer pays to receive that experience.


When necessary strategies and funnels are set to deliver that experience Must Have from the start as test product or as first point of contact the Growth hackers focus on the sticking points that make the user does not reach a minimum point no return on the initial purchase of the product, remove those points of friction involves working on a very fine optimization is part of the main lever we mentioned at the beginning of the post, and if they get significantly reduce achieves reduce a cost drastically adqusición customer.


As the foundation of this reduction is to DESIRE, if as you read WISH customer to get the product Must Have're putting him in front of his. The way to do that is right DESIRE is working a message from the beginning of the entry into the process that is based or supported in the context of the experience the user will receive when client.

Ie the optimization is based on a completely targeted manner in the sale of major benefit, and this implies that general online marketing environments falls far as the Hackers Growth move in a very small angle error, that many experienced marketers can cost a lot and which in turn is the angle in which a large volume of business intelligence is generated, because in that angle the customer decision points are determined in all its aspects.


Increase Sales: How any company but in this case all you have to do with this point tends to be further automated, constantly testing to test results in the entry of customers.

Increase References: Increase return visits of potential customers using channels and joint ventures that are normally implemented by means of the API's that allow you to interact with different systems and negotiating with companies that have a minimum size plus large volumes of users. This point is in the Internet industry one of the most important points because it allows companies with business models that are in decline phase and have not found a new one can rely on third parties using systems that allow benefit companies that make agreements.

Increase Loyalty User: Of course the user is 100% in love with your product Must Have and experience of it is essential, however, to increase the fidelity is a maximum that is required to contribute and that all companies who know make and is "Giving All Best Possible" to that customer, and this involves working in a manner consistent data that these customers generate, in fact, here the Big Data has much to say and is one of the foundations on which Support hackers Growth through specific tools.

Increase Habits of product use: A customer using your product in a manner consistent assures you that the life of that client will be long, and you know the best that can happen is you think that of LONG LIFE TO MY CUSTOMERS because also be yours.

Growth Hackers para Catapultar Empresas