traducido por Federico Dilla
Are you tired of the old school network marketing techniques? You know the 3 foot rule, hanging flyers, bugging your family and friends, and holding hotel meetings that only 3 people show up to and two of them are friends you sponsored in.
I know that when I first joined my first network marketing company, I was told to use these same techniques. I was told to make a list of 100 people that I knew and basically call every one of them to ask and see if they would be interested in making some extra money.
I know that when I first joined my first network marketing company, I was told to use these same techniques. I was told to make a list of 100 people that I knew and basically call every one of them to ask and see if they would be interested in making some extra money.
After I ran through my list of 100 I would ask for referrals from everyone on my list so I could begin calling people who they knew. Talk about being a nuisance, people literally started running away. They would even ask the question, if your business is doing so well then why are you trying so hard to get me to join?
I was only faced with questions I wasn’t able to answer, getting hung up on, and faced with nothing but rejection.
When I was officially shunned by everyone that I knew, all my up line told me to do was to go out and buy some opportunity leads. Do some 3 way calls, hold some more meetings and sample more people. I would tell them this is great advice but where am I supposed to find these people to talk to? They would simply reply if you’re prepared they will come.
This only led me to some more rejection and spending a bunch of money.
Now I was out of money, and had nothing to show for it. The embracement I felt when my friends and family would ask, so how’s business going and I would try to dance my way around the fact that I haven’t made a dollar yet! It really sucked.
Then just as I was going to give up, I found what I consider to be the “life saver” for my business.
This life saver I speak of was Mike Dillard’s 7 Day Free Video Boot Camp. Let me tell you like most of you out there I’ve tried every piece of advice my up-line told me and it got me absolutely nowhere. So what else did I have to lose? I literally had nothing and I was willing to put everything on the line. I wasn’t about to quite because that was what everyone on was waiting for. I thought to myself, Hey since when has quitting ever helped anyone reach success? Ummm NEVER!
In these 7 free videos Mike explained how I could attract an endless stream of prospects to me ready to join and actually get paid to prospect. He explained I could make money from the people who were going to say no to me anyway and I would be able to find that small percentage of people who would actually grow my business into a huge success.
I was only faced with questions I wasn’t able to answer, getting hung up on, and faced with nothing but rejection.
When I was officially shunned by everyone that I knew, all my up line told me to do was to go out and buy some opportunity leads. Do some 3 way calls, hold some more meetings and sample more people. I would tell them this is great advice but where am I supposed to find these people to talk to? They would simply reply if you’re prepared they will come.
This only led me to some more rejection and spending a bunch of money.
Now I was out of money, and had nothing to show for it. The embracement I felt when my friends and family would ask, so how’s business going and I would try to dance my way around the fact that I haven’t made a dollar yet! It really sucked.
Then just as I was going to give up, I found what I consider to be the “life saver” for my business.
This life saver I speak of was Mike Dillard’s 7 Day Free Video Boot Camp. Let me tell you like most of you out there I’ve tried every piece of advice my up-line told me and it got me absolutely nowhere. So what else did I have to lose? I literally had nothing and I was willing to put everything on the line. I wasn’t about to quite because that was what everyone on was waiting for. I thought to myself, Hey since when has quitting ever helped anyone reach success? Ummm NEVER!
In these 7 free videos Mike explained how I could attract an endless stream of prospects to me ready to join and actually get paid to prospect. He explained I could make money from the people who were going to say no to me anyway and I would be able to find that small percentage of people who would actually grow my business into a huge success.
Jonathan Adams
Técnicas de Marketing de red que salvaron mi negocio
¿Está cansado de las viejas técnicas de la comercialización de la red de la escuela? Usted sabe la regla de 3 pies, colgando volantes, molestando a su familia y amigos, y la celebración de reuniones del hotel que sólo 3 personas muestran hasta y dos de ellos son amigos que promoví en.
Sé que cuando me uní a mi primera empresa de mercadeo en red, me dijeron utilizar estas mismas técnicas. Se me dijo que hacer una lista de 100 personas que yo conocía y básicamente llamar a cada uno de ellos para preguntar y ver si estarían interesados en hacer algo de dinero extra.
Después me encontré a través de mi lista de 100 me volvería a pedir referencias de todo el mundo en mi lista para que yo pudiera empezar a llamar a la gente que ellos conocían. Hable acerca de ser una molestia, la gente literalmente comenzaron a correr. Incluso podría hacer la pregunta, si su negocio está haciendo tan bien, entonces por qué estás tratando tan difícil de conseguir que me uniera?
Sólo me enfrenté con preguntas que no era capaz de responder, consiguiendo colgó, y me enfrenté con nada más que rechazo.
Cuando fue rechazado oficialmente por todo el mundo que yo conocía, todo mi línea hasta me dijo que hacer era salir a comprar algunas pistas de oportunidad. Haga un poco de 3 vías llamadas, mantenga algunos más reuniones y degustar más personas. Les diría que este es un gran consejo, pero donde se supone que voy a encontrar a estas personas a hablar? Ellos simplemente responda si está preparado vendrán.
Esto sólo me llevó a un poco más de rechazo y gastar un montón de dinero.
Ahora yo estaba fuera de dinero, y no tenía nada que mostrar por ello. El abrazo que sentí cuando mis amigos y familiares preguntaban, ¿cómo va negocio y me gustaría probar a bailar mi camino por el hecho de que no he hecho un dólar todavía! Realmente era malísimo.
Entonces, justo cuando iba a renunciar, encontré lo que considero que es el "salvavidas" para mi negocio.
Este protector de la vida que hablo era 7 Day Free Video Boot Camp de Mike Dillard. Déjame que te cuente como la mayoría de ustedes por ahí que he probado cada pieza de consejos de mi línea ascendente me dijo y me hizo absolutamente nada. Entonces, ¿qué me tengo que perder? Yo, literalmente, no tenía nada y que estaba dispuesto a poner todo en la línea. Yo no iba a bastante porque era lo que todo el mundo en la esperaba. Me dije a mí mismo, Hey ya que al dejar de fumar alguna vez ha ayudado a nadie alcanza el éxito? Ummm NUNCA!
En estos 7 videos gratis Mike explicó cómo podría atraer un flujo interminable de prospectos a mí listos para unirse y realmente se les paga para la prospección. Explicó que podía hacer dinero de las personas que iban a decir que no a mí de todos modos y que sería capaz de encontrar ese pequeño porcentaje de personas que realmente crecer mi negocio en un gran éxito.
Jonathan Adams
Publicado el Sábado, 18 Octubre 2014