jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Some essential tools for Web Analytics


traducido por Federico Dilla
Some essential tools for Web Analytics
Categories: Digital Marketing Marketeando
 analytical web
April 7, 2015

analitica web
Since Web analytics involves measuring the activity recorded on a site from different parameters, it is necessary to have tools that help us data extraction and subsequent analysis of that information. Therefore, there in the online world different tools, sometimes in free and some for sale, that will help us in this task. Today meet some of the essential tools for web analytics.

Google Analytics
First, we highlight the most common for all types of companies: Google Analytics. This tool is free and offers all kinds of data on users entering our website, both characteristics and behavioral engaged in the site: where they come from, which pages they visit, how long they are on the web, if they are new users and the bounce rate, a rate that measures whether a user has surfed the web or have just visited a page but has not more clicks. In addition, Google Analytics allows options such as creating advanced segments, in order to isolate subsets of traffic to analyze this information.


This tool, which also has free version is very comfortable to analyze your funnel and the ratio in several clicks. The aim of Mixpanel is also optimizing online strategies and the different actions taken both on the web and mobile devices. Among the variables using this tool are: funnels (steps that users leave the action being undertaken), segmentation (properties differ dieferentes), retention (how often users do a certain action), formulas (allows operations) and notifications (allow you to send emails, messages and notifications in certain parameters).


Based on the customer experience, Clicktale focuses on processes of the web from the point of view of conversion. So, you can analyze user navigation, viewing experience at all times, to know where he directs the mouse or where does the activity you were doing. Mainly it helps analyze user behavior and then make decisions and optimize the activity.


Another tool that can offer very useful, especially for a function: its performance reports in real time. As for the data that Piwik offers are very similar to Google Analytics, can customize the control panel and subsequently to analyze the figures. It is also interesting because it lets you set customizable alerts in which it is notified by text message and even Whatsapp.

Algunas herramientas imprescindibles para la Analítica Web

analitica web
Dado que la Analítica web consiste en medir la actividad registrada en un site desde diferentes parámetros, se hace necesario contar con herramientas que nos ayuden a la extracción de datos y posterior análisis de dicha información. Por ello, existen en el mundo online diferentes herramientas, en ocasiones gratuitas y en otras de pago, que nos ayudarán a este cometido. Hoy conoceremos algunas de las herramientas imprescindibles para la analítica web.

Google Analytics

En primer lugar, destacamos la más habitual para todo tipo de empresas: Google Analytics. Esta herramienta es gratuita y ofrece todo tipo de datos relativos a los usuarios que entran en nuestra web, tanto de sus características como del comportamiento que realizan en el site: de dónde proceden, qué páginas visitan, cuánto tiempo están en la web, si son usuarios nuevos y el porcentaje de rebote, que es una tasa que mide si un usuario ha navegado por la web o solo ha visitado una página pero no ha realizado más clics. Además, Google Analytics permite opciones como la de crear segmentos avanzados, con el fin de aislar subconjuntos de tráfico para el análisis de esta información.


Esta herramienta, que también tiene versión gratuita, es muy cómoda para analizar tu embudo de conversión y el ratio en varios clics. El objetivo de Mixpanel es también optimizar las estrategias online y las diferentes acciones llevadas a cabo, tanto en la web como en los dispositivos móviles. Entre las variables que utiliza esta herramienta están: embudos (pasos en los que los usuarios dejan la acción que están realizando), segmentación (diferenciar por dieferentes propiedades), retención (frecuencia con la que los usuarios hacen una determinada acción), fórmulas (permite realizar operaciones) y notificaciones (permiten enviar emails, mensajes y notificaciones en determinados parámetros).


Basada en la experiencia de cliente, Clicktale se centra en procesos de la web desde el punto de vista de la conversión. Así, se puede analizar la navegación del usuario, viendo su experiencia en todo momento, conocer hacia donde dirige el ratón o dónde deja la actividad que estaba realizando. Fundamentalmente ayuda a analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios para luego poder tomar decisiones y optimizar la actividad.


Otra herramienta que puede ofrecernos mucha utilidad, sobre todo por una función: sus informes de rendimiento en tiempo real. En cuanto a los datos que ofrece Piwik, son muy similares a los de Google Analytics, pudiendo personalizar el panel de control y posteriormente poder analizar las cifras. También es interesante porque permite establecer alertas personalizables en las que se avisa por mensaje de texto e, incluso, Whatsapp.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

How to Recruit on Twitter


traducido por Federico Dilla
How to Recruit on Twitter [Infographic]
Posted by Alba Puigferrer on 24/03/15 11:40
i've decided to expand your recruitment strategy in social networks and start attracting talent in Twitter, you're in luck! He recruit Twitter will help give greater diffusion of your job, look for candidates through hashtags and improve your employer branding.
But for this, you must know where to start. There are data on the number of characters that work best in a tweet or what hashtags you have to include if you post a job offer on Twitter.
If, on the other hand, want to use Twitter to search for candidates will also be useful to know the level of segmentation that can get or how beneficial they can become ready to classify the content that reaches your TimeLine.

Cómo Reclutar en Twitter [INFOGRAFÍA]

Posted by Alba Puigferre

on 24/03/15 11:40
i has decidido ampliar tu estrategia de reclutamiento en redes sociales y comenzar a atraer talento en Twitter, ¡estás de suerte! Reclutar en Twitter te ayudará a dar mayor difusión de tus ofertas de empleo, buscar candidatos a través de hashtags y mejorar tu employer branding.
Pero para ello, has de saber por dónde empezar. Hay datos acerca del número de caracteres que funcionan mejor en un tweet o qué hashtags que has de incluir si publicas una oferta de empleo en Twitter.
Si, por el contrario, quieres utilizar Twitter para hacer búsquedas de candidatos, también te será de utilidad saber el nivel de segmentación al que puedes llegar o lo beneficiosas que pueden llegar a ser las listas para clasificar el contenido que llega a tu TimeLine.


Exploit kits: a dynamic and dangerous market


traducido por Federico Dilla
Exploit kits: a dynamic and dangerous market
by Vintegris.info • March 25, 2015

The exploit kits are the fundamental tools for malware distributors, who buy or rent to win permeability in spreading their malicious files.

It is no wonder then that the developers of the "dark side" of the web are always trying to get into high-demand market is currently cornered by Angler, Nuclear, FlashEK, Party, SweetOrange, among other exploit kits.

In this attempt to enter the hall of fame of the exploit kits we saw grow and NITERIS Null Hole, similarly to Astrum and Archie.

The first was identified, when it hit a large number of Finnish visitors:

The new favorite for cybercriminals is Astrum, which was initially fitted with exploits for various vulnerabilities Reader Flash, Silverlight, IE and Adobe. In mid-October, Flash failure also was added and Nuclear Angler included.

It is common to see that use obfuscation techniques in their pages to detect hidden code analysis tools.

The history of the development of the exploit kit known as Archie followed a natural evolution by adding all the improvements. Equipped with exploit code copied from Metasploit modules, first appeared in July when he was a focus of attack Flash.

Less than a month later evolved as Silverlight and exploit for Internet Explorer. Finally, in November, he received two new exploits for Flash and IE.

The first pages were easily identifiable target, but subsequent URL patterns for landing pages became more complex and less obvious.

Mostly they have been used to trick users in the United States and Latin America through the Trojan "clicker" a type of malware that is hidden within the affected system and attempts to connect to specific sites, usually regularly, in order to artificially increase the number of visitors.

Yago Gómez Trenor - Security Analyst Vintegris

Exploit kits: un mercado dinámico y peligroso

Los exploit kits son las herramientas fundamentales para los distribuidores de malware, que los adquieren o alquilan para ganar permeabilidad en la difusión de sus archivos maliciosos.

No es de extrañar entonces que los desarrolladores del “lado oscuro” de la web siempre estén tratando de entrar en un mercado de alta demanda que actualmente está copado por Angler, Nuclear, FlashEK, Fiesta, SweetOrange, entre otros exploit kits.
Dentro de este intento de entrar en el hall de la fama de los exploit kits vimos crecer a  Null Hole y NITERIS, de igual forma que Astrum y Archie.
El primero fue identificado, al chocar contra un número considerable de usuarios finlandeses:
El nuevo favorito de los cibercriminales es Astrum, que fue inicialmente equipado con exploits para varias vulnerabilidades del Reader de Flash, Silverlight, IE y Adobe. A mediados de octubre, se incluyó un fallo de Flash que también se añadió en Angler y Nuclear.
Es común ver que utilizan técnicas de ofuscación en sus páginas de destino para ocultar código que detectan las herramientas de análisis.
La historia del desarrollo del exploit kit conocido como Archie siguió una evolución natural agregando todas las mejoras. Equipado con un código de explotación copiado de módulos Metasploit, primero apareció en julio cuando tenía como foco de ataque a Flash.
Menos de un mes después evolucionó como exploit para Silverlight y también para Internet Explorer. Finalmente, en noviembre, recibió dos nuevos exploits para Flash e IE.
Las primeras páginas de destino eran fácilmente identificables, pero los patrones de URL posteriores para las páginas de destino se hicieron más complejas y menos obvias.
En su mayoría se han utilizado para engañar a los usuarios de los Estados Unidos y América Latina por medio del troyano “clicker”: un tipo de malware que se esconde dentro del sistema afectado y trata de conectarse a sitios web específicos, por lo general de forma regular, con el fin de aumentar artificialmente el número de visitantes.

Yago Gómez Trenor – Analista de Seguridad de Vintegris

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

'Due diligence' management


traducido por Federico Dilla

'Due diligence' management

After a period of negotiation between buyers and sellers of a company, and once the buyer shows a real interest normally reflected in a letter of intent in which intends to acquire all or a part of a society under certain conditions set out , a process called due diligence, under which the buyer is allowed a detailed investigation of the different areas of the company being purchased is opened.

This is the definition that collect most of the literature on this process, but in reality things are not exactly true, because most of the time the research is not very detailed and not always all factors of the company are analyzed that should be analyzed to minimize the risk of purchase.

First, when we speak of due diligence, it is important to consider the types of due diligence that can be contracted on the market.

The most used are the financial, legal, labor and environmental, and the least known and used despite its great importance are the commercial and management due diligence.

The main purpose of due diligence is to reduce risk in the transaction giving the buyer the greatest possible clarity about the business and, therefore, to detect possible hidden tax liabilities or contingencies, commercial, social or environmental aid to the buyer at the time of consider whether continues with the operation or not and what price are you willing to pay for the company.

Our experience after working many years with managers of venture capital, leads to the conclusion that many of the operations that have been unsuccessful in their portfolios have been made after a due diligence process incomplete or misguided.

When someone raises acquire a business is not thinking only of the past of the same and the balance, legal and employment situation you are buying, it is normal to be thinking about what you intend to do with that company, which sees synergies with its existing businesses and what actions will address from the first day that owns and what benefits you can provide them.

Therefore, if you want to be really competitive in your offer, you need a much broader business vision and this vision will furnish the commercial due diligence, technical and management.

When conducting a due diligence management to a specialized company like ours is hired, is asking the cooperation of senior professionals with extensive experience in management as a support for making purchase decision.

It is asking for an expert opinion on the current team managers and the need for future equipment and tools used for management.

In a due diligence management culture of enterprise management is analyzed, its management style, its organization, people who are part of the management team and the tools they use to manage: strategic plan, financial financial budget and treasury monthly control box, etc.

Once this due diligence and the reports of other due diligence carried out, this team of expert managers can evaluate, if desired, the weaknesses identified and draw up an action plan aimed at correcting and pose with equipment buyer how they see the future of society, once corrected the deficiencies and implemented improvements in performance. The decision on whether or not changes in the management team will be decisive in the success or failure of the acquisition.

This vision will serve to adjust the purchase price minimizing the risk of failure of the operation. In addition, the buyer team will have an action plan already made and to be able to launch the day after making the purchase.

For all the reasons pointed, we recommend conducting a management due diligence before making the decision to acquire a company.

It is possible that sometimes the seller does not allow such a comprehensive analysis of your company, as this process can take time to its management team or simply not willing to allow excessive exposure of the know-how of your company or your privacy .

In these cases, it should work with the information available and the risk involved when deciding the acquisition is valued, but should not lose sight of the importance of due diligence management and recommend it to address this once the acquisition closed.

Due diligence’ de gestión

Tras un periodo de negociación entre compradores y vendedores de una empresa, y una vez que el comprador muestra un interés real normalmente reflejado en una carta de intenciones en la que se recoge la intención de adquirir la totalidad o una parte de una sociedad en determinadas condiciones, se abre un proceso denominado due diligence, en virtud del cual se permite al comprador realizar una detallada investigación de las diferentes áreas de la empresa que se quiere adquirir.
Esta es la definición que recogen la mayoría de las publicaciones sobre este proceso, pero en la realidad las cosas no son exactamente así, ya que la mayoría de las veces la investigación no es muy detallada y no siempre se analizan todos los factores de la empresa que se deberían analizar para minimizar el riesgo de compra.
En primer lugar, cuando hablamos de due diligence, es muy importante tener en cuenta los tipos de due diligence que se pueden contratar en el mercado.
Las mas utilizadas son la financiera, legal, laboral y medioambiental, y las menos conocidas y utilizadas a pesar de su gran importancia son la comercial y la due diligence de gestión.
El principal objetivo de las due diligence es reducir el riesgo en la transacción aportando al comprador la mayor claridad posible sobre el negocio y, por eso, el detectar posibles pasivos ocultos o contingencias fiscales, mercantiles, laborales o medioambientales ayuda al comprador a la hora de plantearse si sigue con la operación o no y qué precio está dispuesto a pagar por la empresa.
Nuestra experiencia después de trabajar muchos años con gestoras de capital riesgo, nos lleva a la conclusión de que muchas de las operaciones que han resultado fallidas en sus carteras han sido realizadas después de un proceso de due diligence incompleto o mal enfocado.
Cuando alguien se plantea adquirir una empresa no está pensando solo en el pasado de la misma y en el balance, situación legal y laboral que está comprando, lo normal es que esté pensando en lo que pretende hacer con esa empresa, qué sinergias ve con sus empresas actuales y qué acciones va a abordar desde el primer día en que sea propietario y qué beneficios le pueden aportar las mismas.
Por lo tanto, si quiere ser realmente competitivo en su oferta, necesita tener una visión mucho más amplia del negocio y esta visión se la van a aportar la due diligence comercial, técnica y de gestión.
Cuando se contrata la realización de una due diligence de gestión a una empresa especializada como la nuestra, se está pidiendo la colaboración de profesionales senior y con alta experiencia en gestión como soporte para la toma de decisión de la compra.
Se está pidiendo una opinión de expertos gestores sobre el equipo actual y sobre el equipo necesario para el futuro y las herramientas a utilizar para la gestión.
En una due diligence de gestión se analiza la cultura de gestión de la empresa, su estilo de dirección, su organigrama, las personas que forman parte del equipo directivo y las herramientas que utilizan para gestionar: plan estratégico, presupuesto económico financiero y de tesorería, cuadro de mando mensual, etc.
Una vez finalizada esta due diligence y con los informes del resto de due diligence realizadas, este equipo de expertos gestores podrá evaluar, si se desea, los puntos débiles detectados y confeccionar un plan de acciones enfocado a corregirlos y plantear con el equipo comprador cómo ven el futuro de la sociedad, una vez corregidas las deficiencias e implantadas las mejoras en el funcionamiento. La decisión sobre cambios o no en el equipo directivo va a ser determinante en el éxito o fracaso de la adquisición.
Esta visión servirá para ajustar el precio de compra minimizando el riesgo de fracaso de la operación. Además, el equipo comprador dispondrá de un plan de acciones ya confeccionado y que se podrá poner en marcha al día siguiente de realizar la adquisición.
Por todos los motivos apuntados, recomendamos la realización de una due diligence de gestión antes de tomar la decisión de adquirir una empresa.
Es posible que en ciertas ocasiones el vendedor no permita un análisis tan exhaustivo de su empresa, ya que este proceso puede ocupar tiempo a su equipo directivo o simplemente no está dispuesto a permitir una excesiva exposición del know-how de su empresa o de su privacidad.
En estos casos, se deberá trabajar con la información de que se disponga y se valorará el riesgo que se corre a la hora de decidir la adquisición, pero no se deberá perder de vista la importancia de la due diligence de gestión y recomendamos se aborde esta una vez cerrada la adquisición.

automatización del proceso contable punta a punta, partiendo de las facturas en papel


traducción del texto Federico Dilla

automatización del proceso contable punta a punta, partiendo de las facturas en papel

We present this video which provides a conceptual overview of the accounting process automation tip to tip, starting from paper invoices. The video shows how

We present this video which provides a conceptual overview of the accounting process automation tip to tip, starting from paper invoices. The video shows how to achieve maximum efficiency using the best technology in each of the parts of the process:

Fujitsu scanner to digitize fi7160 to avoid separate bills tickets, or worry because we stay any invoices without scanning (double feed detection)
As we scan from Ubyquo, plus we got a valid PDF to inspections and judgments (Certified Scanning)
We counted the bills automatically from Ubyquo and add the accounting program.
All using computers with Intel processors last generation processes are completed in the shortest time possible

The marriage of technologies reminds us ever closer to a line of automated production lines equivalent to any factory automation, but in the field of Professional Offices and Financial Departments.

<iframe width="584" height="329" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UNHjWFYvOlo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Os presentamos este vídeo que ofrece una visión conceptual de la automatización del proceso contable punta a punta, partiendo de las facturas en papel. El vídeo muestra como 

Os presentamos este vídeo que ofrece una visión conceptual de la automatización del proceso contable punta a punta, partiendo de las facturas en papel. El vídeo muestra como conseguir la máxima eficiencia utilizando la mejor tecnología en cada una de las partes del proceso:
  • Digitalizamos con el escaner Fujitsu fi7160 para no tener que separar facturas de tickets, ni preocuparnos porque se nos quede alguna facturas sin escanear (detección de doble alimentación)
  • Como escaneamos desde Ubyquo, además conseguimos un PDF válido ante inspecciones y juicios (Digitalización Certificada)
  • Contabilizamos las facturas automáticamente desde Ubyquo y las añadimos al programa contable.
  • Todo ello utilizando equipos con procesadores Intel de última generación para que los procesos se completen en el menor tiempo posible
La unión de las tecnologías nos recuerda cada vez más a una línea de producción automatizada, equivalente a las líneas de cualquier fábrica de automoción, pero en el sector de Despachos Profesionales y Departamentos Financieros.

Hackers for business growth


traducido por Federico Dilla
Hackers to Catapult Growth Garcia EmpresasRuben April 1, 2015
Growth Hackers. A few years ago when I was working on an important group in Spain heard this definition for the first time and it caught my attention, the definition I liked and thought in that rather curious, innovative and fresh time.


 which are the growth hackers
que son los growth hackers
Possibly if you look at the wikipedia on a general concept have more general info, if you think I'm going to get into flour directly to not give many turns to what others have said there.

In this case I want to ask yourself this post as something deeper, ie, knowing firsthand some of the main Growth Hackers in the world, and having worked with them on occasion, personally sack some conclusions that I share.

1. Everyone is becoming smarter. It's one of the things that any of the Growth Hackers have in mind always, that is, people are constantly evolving and constantly training, in fact, one of the ways that companies found to grow or keep their users is to offer education as an added value on products or services they buy.

The competition, marketers, managers and other digital are constantly testing and measuring results, so the information handled within companies is increasingly strategic, but is very close to the market and the only thing that do is interpret.

2. Marketing channels increasingly saturated faster, and must constantly seek new channels for providing new experiences to potential users as well as new ideas for engagement, the end users are tired of seeing the same, and increasingly hitting first and successful gets a much higher impact to what you could get for years, but also achieved a growth experience is what forms the true market intelligence company.

3. The new digital companies that are created are large Growth Hackers, speaking in many cases to specific niches, many of those niches where are emerging over time become industries that have their piece of the pie but can mean millions of course million users and billing.


1. Leverage: Today for Growth Hackers go by what could be called a traditional company fast speed is the usual way of working, ie the fast lane is the normal way, and what are the main levers that make this occurs mainly as follows:

Engineering able to do what the user needs is absolutely critical, so all you have to do with the best developments to optimize from product to any detail of the tools must that will generate the user experience and all that involved, ie optimizing the last detail.
User Base: The growing user base and constantly moving is one of the points of intelligence Growth Hackers since the measurement of all that these customers want, seek or WISH (look at this), it is critical to be able understand.
API's: The rapid incorporation of tools or rapid incorporation into other tools is essential to make the work of the Growth Hackers is optimal, it is no longer about developing everything that happens to someone but attempts to incorporate what already exists and works and also has been put on the market adequately.
Networks: Everything works based on business networks, the objective is to work with critical masses on which can segment, understand, add value and provide an appropriate message.
2. Expandable Experiences: If there is anything the Growth Hackers have clear is that as systems and business onlie must be scalable, in the case of the experiences something similar happens and it is therefore essential to understand the experiences of user and the context in which these user experiences occur.

3. Obsessive Optimization: Optimization In every detail counts, it is essential to understand and test what are the key points that make this


what we know of the Growth Hackers

No, the reality is that no magic solutions, it is hard work, and with many sorrows that live in solitude in many cases, and to get a good result after being tested and testing methods and ways to increase significantly the number of users, conversions, etc, must be especially great persistence and focus always on the objective for growth (growth whatever, visits, sales, conversions, etc). Nothing is easy, it is always difficult, the growth hackers to get a great result and important successes they test constantly, and know that if they tested 10 times in 10 different ways, there is always one that will be better than the other 9.

Customers are fickle, if there is something you can never marry in digital environments are customers, but it needs the best of the company or business, always thinking that if something better than us or sold better, that customer will leave.

In constant search of "Must-Have": The must have (should have) is that the customer must have if or when and if it does you may feel that you are losing a great benefit, that is one of the objectives and constant testing of Growth Hackers, knowing that product "Must-Have" user. How discuss some of the biggest Growth Hackers Facebook, Facebook would have disappeared if now people would not know to do.

As with many digital companies, which are looking for that golden for a sector, niche or market segment can be a product, user experience, something that meets or exceeds expectations, and of course the constant optimization and improvement of this must-have.

This point is so vital that it is absolutely necessary to work in line to get well almost obsessive Product Must-Have, experience that generates the product, ie, experience Must Have.


The Must Have experience that generates this product is absolutely vital, since it is based on absolutely all streams to deliver that optimize customer experience. And of course that client must have a profile as a Customer "Must Have", which permits the depth profile of the client to bringing you the best experience with the best product and can convert a Hard User (User Fuerte) Product you're selling.

In order to clearly establish Must Have experience and understand broadly the context in which that experience develops, we need above all is to know very well what is the main benefit that the customer pays to receive that experience.


When necessary strategies and funnels are set to deliver that experience Must Have from the start as test product or as first point of contact the Growth hackers focus on the sticking points that make the user does not reach a minimum point no return on the initial purchase of the product, remove those points of friction involves working on a very fine optimization is part of the main lever we mentioned at the beginning of the post, and if they get significantly reduce achieves reduce a cost drastically adqusición customer.


As the foundation of this reduction is to DESIRE, if as you read WISH customer to get the product Must Have're putting him in front of his. The way to do that is right DESIRE is working a message from the beginning of the entry into the process that is based or supported in the context of the experience the user will receive when client.

Ie the optimization is based on a completely targeted manner in the sale of major benefit, and this implies that general online marketing environments falls far as the Hackers Growth move in a very small angle error, that many experienced marketers can cost a lot and which in turn is the angle in which a large volume of business intelligence is generated, because in that angle the customer decision points are determined in all its aspects.


Increase Sales: How any company but in this case all you have to do with this point tends to be further automated, constantly testing to test results in the entry of customers.

Increase References: Increase return visits of potential customers using channels and joint ventures that are normally implemented by means of the API's that allow you to interact with different systems and negotiating with companies that have a minimum size plus large volumes of users. This point is in the Internet industry one of the most important points because it allows companies with business models that are in decline phase and have not found a new one can rely on third parties using systems that allow benefit companies that make agreements.

Increase Loyalty User: Of course the user is 100% in love with your product Must Have and experience of it is essential, however, to increase the fidelity is a maximum that is required to contribute and that all companies who know make and is "Giving All Best Possible" to that customer, and this involves working in a manner consistent data that these customers generate, in fact, here the Big Data has much to say and is one of the foundations on which Support hackers Growth through specific tools.

Increase Habits of product use: A customer using your product in a manner consistent assures you that the life of that client will be long, and you know the best that can happen is you think that of LONG LIFE TO MY CUSTOMERS because also be yours.

Growth Hackers para Catapultar Empresas