traducido Federico Dilla
Must be measured to determine if the actions of the Social Media campaigns that have been made have had the desired effect. When a product, a website, a brand, etc depending on the marketing strategies used as well as the dissemination on the results will be very different touted.
For the measurement of social media campaigns to be effective you need to have a benchmark to compare the data obtained. Depending on the objectives we can compare our progress with respect to our competitors, or with respect to the data obtained by us in previous social media campaigns.
Depending on the business objectives, KPIs to consider will be different. The KPI should sereSpecíficos, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Temporary (SMART)
We must avail ourselves of those analysis tools that provide us with the data we need to assess any of the Social Media campaigns. In this post I am going to focus on those global KPI to achieve the objectives in a web, and not the specific KPI of each social profile that have helped achieve.
Indicators of Effectiveness in Social Media Campaigns
KP1: CTR (Click Through Rate)
It is the percentage or ratio of clicks per impression, ie we have to divide the number of times you make advertisement clicks divided by the number of impressions or page views. It is expressed in percent. It is used to measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns online advertising.
How to calculate the CTR?
CTR = Clicks on Ad: Impressions (Page views)
If you've promoted your service business through Facebook profile, with a link to the website that offers it's own statistics application, we show by example that the announcement has 5 clicks on the link, a total of 5,000 people who have seen the ad (or at least has appeared to him in his wall), so your CTR is 0.1%
A high CTR is an indicator that the campaign has worked. Studying the message, time and place is essential for successful social media campaigns.
In this type of social media campaigns creativity and calls to action to play a key role functioning.
CTR acceptable value
In developed countries like Spain, where advertising is saturated in most media unCTR countries can be considered a good value around 0.10%
Where I can use CTR indicator to measure the success of social media campaigns?
individual Ads
Check blog
Subscriptions Newsletter
Email marketing *
In the email marketing is very common to use the OR indicator, Open Rate Open Rate or to measure the effectiveness of shipments. THE Open Rate is calculated by dividing the number of emails opened by the number of emails sent by subtracting the latter bounced emails.
OR = Number of emails opened: number of emails sent
CTR = no email links clicked: No email open
In this case, an acceptable value of CTR depend on email marketing industry.
Statistically the larger the data base will be lower opening rate in email marketing campaigns.
KP2: Social volume of traffic, visitors who come Growth of Social Networks.
A very important factor in whether the work of a Community Manager is efectivadentro of social media campaigns is when you start its work in managing and implementing a brand in Social Media, data is to know the increase in visits that originates in the source web social.
Not the same as the Community Manager (CM) starts from zero, ie the brand that represents not have open profiles or social communities are small, they have never done social media campaigns; if the work of CM is to continue the work of another partner. In the first case the increase will be gradual and should be increasing the evolution of Social visits origin. In the second case, the CM must maintain at least the percentage (%) of social visits, and should focus on other aspects such as engagement with followers, active listening, branding brand, ...
How to calculate Social Volume Increase Traffic?
This data is readily measurable by star free web analytics tool Google Analytics (GA).
We enter the Google Analytics account indicating the date section we want to take data from the brand side menu Click Acquisition, pressing Channels displayed in a list with the total number of visits, and the breakdown by origin of visitors . We look at Social and note the number. The percentage of Social visits (no visits increased) directly gives us the GA, which responds to the following expression.
Social Metrics% Views:
Social Visits = 100% x No Social Visits: Total Number of Visits
It repeats the process with an earlier period, and results are compared to see evolution.
Social Media Campaigns orientadorweb
It may be that the percentage has not increased significantly, but has done the number of social visits, check directly with the value of the rate of increase or growth of Social visits
Visits Social B * = no visits during period B - Visits period A (initial period B)
(* You have to discount previous month visits)
Social Visits A = Number of visits during period A (before the initial period A)
Social Visits Increase Rate = 100 x Number of visits * Social B: No. A Social Visits
Take an example, we obtained 3,000 hits on our web Social thanks to social media campaigns during the month of February, we got 2,000 hits in January, the rate of increase of Social visits during the month of February from the previous month is 50 %. [100 * (3000-2000): 2000]
We could tune a little more, and make the media for days, since February has 3 days less, but that I leave for those more picky. ;)
If we dig deeper to see where he has been more effective the work of CM (which I recommend), break down social visits in as many profiles as we have done the work, social profile and check what have worked less to change strategies. (We enSocial Clicking on the above list of GA and us the number of visits for each social profile will appear)
Acceptable traffic volume value
Any increase in Social traffic is welcome.
The Evolution of Social traffic increase will depend on several factors, including the initial situation where Brand, time spent on social development, investment in advertising or online marketing, is ... find. Thus, if the brand has never used social networks and social media has made campaigns as a means of disclosure, the initial increase will be higher, provided that before communities were created in different profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, ...).
Social Media Analytics KPI web
KP3: Conversions marked as targets
Depending on the goals you want to achieve in our online business, so we need to channel our strategies in Social Media campaigns.
Examples of conversions:
Subscription to the newsletter or bulletin web
Click Services page or product sales.
Click download document, video, ...
Sending contact information to request a quote.
Click shopping cart.
How to calculate the efficiency Conversions to achieve objectives?
Thanks to Google Analytics we can set concrete targets social pursuits in our social media campaigns. To know whether we have achieved our goals, objectives once designed only just open Analytics to see how many goals have been realized.
As we did for calculating Social traffic, open the customer account to analyze a given period, we do Click Acquisition side menu, click on the Overview screen will display a list of the origin of visitors. We click on Social, and you look at the deconversions column. If we have not designed any conversion we will appear with zero columns.
I leave a post where Carlos M. Lebron explains in detail the steps to Create Goals in Google Analytics
There are also specific to each social network, which will serve to verify the effectiveness of the strategies individually marked in different social profiles KPI. While perhaps not a fact that as head of an online business to interested why, yes we should do it and reflect it in a report to know what data we have had to reach the objectives.
Some interesting Social Metrics:
Increased number of followers of each social network
achieved Engagement
Feedback of products or services
Interests of brand followers
Presence of negative comments
shared publications
Bounce Rate
You can see more Social Media metrics that you can serve to present the monthly report Social Media in a previous post titled: 50 Social Media Metrics to consider
If you are responsible for what an online KPIs or business efficiency value when looking hire a Community Manager? Number Of sales produced, increased traffic, increased presence in social networks ...?