miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

#GoogleDorking "#malicious cyber actor." (#Google #Dorking“un actor cibernético malicioso.”)

Google Dorking, the thin line between surfing and being a malicious cyber Actor

Google Dorking Google Dorking, la delgada línea entre navegar y ser un actor cibernético malicioso

If your search logic for research on the Internet, using advanced Google search is good, you may be suspected of being a malicious cyber actor. 

DHS, FBI and NCTC (National Counterterrorism Center) of the United States has issued a BOLO on "Google Dorking" and malicious cyber actors. 

Google Dorking is just a phrase that applies to the use of advanced queries in any search engine, either Google or Bing. 

Malicious cyber actors are using advanced techniques, known as "Google Dorking" search to locate the information that organizations may be putting public without intending to make it public or to find vulnerabilities in websites that can later be used for cyber attacks. 

If you are using advanced Google search tools, such as "site: itclat.com" or "filetype: xlsx". "Malicious cyber actor," you're behaving like a few criminal organizations and could be considered 

By searching for keywords and specific file types, the malicious cyber actors can locate information such as user names and passwords, email lists, sensitive documents, bank account details, and vulnerabilities of websites. 

DHS, FBI and NCTC made ​​several recommendations to administrators of websites, such as the protection of confidential information with a password and encryption, ensuring that this information is not indexed. 

In a document distributed intelligence restricted to the police in the United States, the Public Security and other security agencies in July, elDepartamento of Homeland Security warned of a "malicious activity" that could expose secrets and security vulnerabilities in systems information organizations. 

The name of the activity was "Google Dorking." 

DHS and FBI recommends using the webmaster tools Googlepara remove files that should not have been indexed from its cache; also been suggested in a detailed review of robots.txt file to tell Bing Googley their "spiders" do not include sensitive directories. 

Jose Maria Jimenez - Security Analyst Vintegris

Google Dorking, la delgada línea entre navegar y ser un actor cibernético malicioso
