viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

What are the three pillars of the #Online #SocialMedia #Reputation?

What are the three pillars of the # #Online #SocialMedia Reputation? 

Traducido Federico Dilla
Online reputation

The online reputation is a reflection of prestige or esteem for a person or brand online.

Unlike the brand, which can be generated through advertising media, online reputation is not under the absolute control of the individual or organization, but the 'manufactured' also other people when they talk and provide their views.

This is especially important on the Internet, where it is easy and cheap to pour information and opinions through mechanisms such as forums, blogs or social networks.

This phenomenon amateurization of content is what we know as 'content generated by user' English 'user generated content'.

Therefore, the online reputation is closely linked to brand reputation because reputation is generated from the climates of online consumer opinion in their social deployment, both online and offline context.

From the point of view of the analysis of online reputation by Google, it faces many sources of information apparently meaningless, Google has to decide which ones have more authority or can be relied upon.

Comparison of the quality and quantity of referrals from these sources has the rest of the web allows Google to evaluate the reputation of online information and classify the possible utility in the results, this is the beginning of online reputation to Google .

With what a site for Google is a mixture of visibility, ie they are visible to software and information held is available from well organized and structured way, for automatic processing, relative to the target, or the results are appropriate to search and online reputation.

A highly visible, well organized and full of information Web site that is well related to customer requests, and valued by a community of relevant websites that contains links to him, is the way to get in position the first line and Web for a long time, this translates into many visits from users eager to get what you have to sell or say.

The three pillars of Google for positioning and evaluation of a website are the visibility, relevance and reputation online.

Reputation is the sum, or rather the consequences of all the actions that a company makes, actions that come from the quality of its products and services, their customer service, their employees, their stores or outlets and all areas or managerial and administrative departments, both online and offline.

It is very important not only to generate content in social media, but also create community around our brand, satisfied users who come alone to build a good reputation 2.0 of an organization to listen, interact and communicate with them.

Orientadorweb (@Orientadorweb)