viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

"I'm #CommunityManager, Give me a fulcrum and I will move the #SocialMedia"

To paraphrase Archimedes: "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the Social Media" 

Carlos Vargas, Columnists, Marketing Today 
Traducción Federico Dilla 

 "If no one offers what you expect support, accept it; because of who you expect may never come ... "Anonymous. We have some horror stories regarding the "lurching" given to poderser a true Community Manager and not die trying, that as a result of a lack of understanding of our management regarding the scope and importance of the media social, the English called "social Media", to achieve professionalism, know, have aligned to business strategies, to achieve expertise to achieve and measure results, to have respect to this important communication task, which carries out called Community Manager, which in Spanish is elGerenciamiento of our communities, the depositary of the great movement of our doors to walk to and from the Web host. 

The support of our managers, can turn a good "Like" on a good ROI. 
In this collaboration will relate the components that are important to dabble in social networks; these elements, which have to do with the involvement of our management and are part of a process that we call the 6 "C's". 

"Give me a fulcrum and I will move the earth." Archimedes 
These 6 "C's" define and relate them as follows; Let's see what you think?

Convince the leaders of the organization; 
Will overcome, but you will not convince "Miguel de Unamuno. 
    It's not about going to enter, to win and be the winner, you have to convince, makers of great decisions, how important it is to know what is SOCIAL MEDIA (SM), its implications, more like a medium as an end, and that SM may or may not be an appropriate solution, recommended for our organization; each case is different, and not all solutions are for all companies, but you have to know. 
      The advance of and into the digital world, nothing, no one, it stops. You can mention the case of China, against the will of their leaders, and the digital world is working in China, simply with an impressive amount of users * 538 million users! ¨ * Figure in Wikipedia. 
          "I do not try to understand the questions; I try to know the answers. "Confucius 
            In the Latin culture, we are very keen to hold opinions without knowing, to recommend without rhyme or reason; not want to be seen as ignorant or outdated; when asked a group of managers, who knows SM, almost everyone raised their hands, and when you ask someone opine, silence is overwhelming; managers gentlemen, please listen to the experts in SM, famos how that character would say "Ask ..." 
              There are already several figures (positions) that make up a formal structure to operate seriously SM; is not a single case of "marketing", human resources, communication is a big business issue; not enough to hire an intern to handle SM in your organization, and thus go to the familiar expression, "You do as you operate in SM and I like you pay." Acculturating to the company and its environment "Culture is the way we have left after you have forgotten everything learned" Anonymous. Once convinced our management to know as deeply as possible, on the use of Internet, its benefits, threats, disadvantages, benefits, opportunities to work in the company with support in the Web and corporate use of social networks, and having taken the decision to enter the networks to do an effective job, professional, results must be performed, previously diagnosed of our population and their level of "digital literacy" and to know the gap, allowing us to reach an acceptable state, for, in this way, the company started as a community at large corporate digital world. This will allow us to design a "Plan of Culturising" in the new way of doing business and to act and interact with the inner and outer world of business with SOCIAL MEDIA; you are a current medium of powerful communication, management, business, etc. We know some companies begin immediately "a cappella" saying "and we will learn"; this way is wrong and disastrous results for the company and its objectives, internal and external, its called "Stakeholders" public. Train the members of our organizations ecosystem "A place for everything and everything in its place"; one thing to access the Internet and browse the network, and another thing to be productive with SM

              We all know that in Mexico and in the world at large, there is a huge digital divide *, ** together with a large digital illiteracy, however, that much of the population in Mexico, and certainly in our companies, is comprised of members very active on the Internet. Digital gap to be closed quickly and formality, and digital illiteracy must be eradicated from our organizations if we have results and a good return on our investment in our shares with SOCIAL MEDIA, and this is achieved with a job serious and effective; culturizando, training; digitally literate; directors gentlemen please pay attention to training, a key factor in the expected results. 
              * Digital divide refers to a socioeconomic entirety between communities that have access to the Internet and those who do not, although such inequalities also can refer to all the new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICT) as the personal computer, the mobile telephony, broadband and other devices. Wikipedia. Digital Illiteracy ** is the level of ignorance of the new technologies that prevent people from accessing the opportunities to interact with these, ie, first browse the web, enjoy multimedia content, socializing through social networks, creating documentation, etc. "Wikipedia Achieving Confidence in our operation SM "Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success." Ralph Waldo Emerson What we should hope for is that our partners, our internal and external customers, our * "Stakeholders" we have confidence, as efficient and honest SM operators and results. By interacting with groups, communities, people, people, generation Confidence is key in strengthening and growth of the communities, as well as the implementation of the entire strategy, tactics and operations in SM. 
              * Stakeholders is an English term first used by RE Freeman in his book "Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach" (Pitman, 1984), to refer to "those who can affect or are affected by the activities of an undertaking '.Wikipedia 

              Shift towards a culture of Collaboration 
                "Only a civilization if it holds many bring their collaborative effort. If you prefer to enjoy all the fruit, civilization collapses. "José Ortega y Gasset 

                    The key word today is: collaboration, collaborative work; much talk of this sexy expression which involves a change of mind and ways of working; our managers must reason required change paradigms about how to interact and to this we must invest time, money and effort; but so, better we do not play SM. 

                          "It's a reality that many businesses lack a serious understanding and defining the mission, vision, responsibility, values, skills of the post of" Community Manager "; without the necessary knowledge, go right to wreck this "great ocean" called internet ". 

                              We speak more than one position, we refer to the responsibility that moves horizontally and vertically throughout the organizational environment, the "Social Media", which must be aligned with the business; start from the belief that the management of social networks should not necessarily be the responsibility of the marketing area. 

                                    In this collaboration, we report the components that we believe are important to dabble in social networks, and they are: Convincing, Date, acculturating, Training, Trust, Collaborate; conclude the importance of visualizing, jobs in SM from the Community Manager, with great seriousness, professionalism, remunerating the position as to liability, productivity and income generation, having an operation in accordance with the results social networks expected not want to have professional, remunerating with "peanuts", otherwise we will need in switching is riding a circus; paign now activated or circus monkeys may have; seek to have a real Community Manager and prevent die in the attempt.